North Korea
News: Pyongyang Times -- KCNA (Korean Central News Agency) -- People's Korea
NK News (from the South): Chosun Ilbo -- Yonhap -- JoongAng Ilbo -- KoreaScope
Travel: Koryo Tours -- -- Pyongyang Metro -- DPRK Page
Human Rights, Refugees: Citizens' Alliance for North Korean Human Rights -- Seoul Train
Drop Phones, not Bombs!
Every time North Korea pops into the headlines, whether for testing nukes, starving its people, or killing South Korean sailors, the media is filled with articles demanding something be done, this time ... and then, further along in the story, lamenting the lack of decent policy options. After dismissing the old standbys - diplomatic remonstrations, tighter economic sanctions, and, for those trying to be particularly tough (while hiding safely inside a beltway think tank), military strikes, most articles settle for ... (more)
North Korea Videos
Finally! Video clips from my 2002 trip to North Korea are ready for download. The North Korea Videos page has two of my own clips, plus links to several others.
Axis of Evil World Tour
Click for more on my travels in North Korea, Iraq, and Iran.

Axis of Evil World Tour
Axis of Evil World Tour

Korean Endgame
Click for more info

Aquariums of Pyongyang
Click for more info

Kim Il-sung's North Korea
Click for more info












Journey into Kimland - trip to the DPRK, June 2002
In an age where you can get Starbucks on Thai islands, Baskin-Robbins in Saigon, Coke and McDonalds just about everywhere it's nice to finally visit a place lacking even the knowledge of such things. The most . . . more

  1. Getting Ready
2. Arrival in Pyongyang
  3. Monuments of Kimland
4. Yanggakdo Hotel  
  5. Arirang Festival 6. DMZ  
  7. Traditional Kaesong 8. Pyongyang Circus  
  9. Mt. Myohyang 10. Kim's Birthplace  
  11. Departure  
Download Journey into Kimland as a single pdf.
(opens in a new window)
No Lights in North Korea
Satellite image of North and South Korea - notice
the lack of lights in the North outside of Pyongyang.

U.S. Sanctions on North Korea
Since the agreement at the 6-Party Talks in February, and this past week's visit of Kim Gye-gwan, North Korea's vice foreign minister, to San Francisco and New York, a lot of attention is getting paid to partially lifting American ... (more)

Golf in Pyongyang?
Story of golfing in Pyongyang and the "greatest round ever played" - Kim Jong-il's 34 on the par-72 course in Pyongyang. Good writing and a funny story.
Holidays in the Axis of Evil
A BBC documentary partially filmed in the North. The video is unfortunately only available for purchase on tape, not download.
Andy Kershaw in North Korea
Listen to the download of a BBC journalist's radio story on his visit to North Korea. Also includes a slide show.
Kim's Nuclear Gamble
For an interesting look at U.S. - North Korea relations, as well as a wealth of background info on the North, try this Frontline documentary by the U.S. PBS network.
Panmunjom: Visiting the Korean DMZ
Having written about a visit to the DMZ and Panmunjom from the North I figured it was time to try writing something about the far more popular visits from the South. There are already numerous resources on the Net . . . more
  - in Dutch and English
Website maintained by two Dutch expats working in Seoul. They also have an interesting, and growing, collection of life in North Korea stories written by friends working in Pyongyang.

Geumgangsan - The Diamond Mountains
A way to visit North Korea via boat from the South - a tour of Geumgang Mountain. Long thought of as one of the most scenic areas on the peninsula, package tours are now available through tourist agencies in the South. Click here or above for info.


The Citizens' Alliance for North Korean Human Rights (NKHR), founded in 1996, maintains an excellent, extremely informative website on life and human rights in North Korea. The 'Witness Accounts' section contains some utterly harrowing stories on life in, and escape from, North Korea. I highly recommend a visit to the website (part of it is in English).

The group itself is, "a non-governmental, nonprofit and nonpartisan organization working to improve the human rights situation of the people in North Korea as well as of those North Koreans who have fled their country for various reasons."


Know of something else I should include?

Please head to the feedback page and let me know.

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